Building a sustainable future

forest sustainability

Sustainable forest management

We have adopted sustainable forest management practices based on science and industry best practices. Our plantations are designed to allow an adequate rotation of trees, which favors natural regeneration and a healthy life cycle for the forests. We also use selective harvesting and careful replanting methods to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance. We also use innovative technologies such as satellite imagery, drones and geographic information systems (GIS) to monitor and manage our plantations.

Woods tracking app
IoT sensors for monitoring

The IoT sensors collect environmental data such as temperature, humidity, liquid level, lighting, etc. in real time and send this information to our large database via the internet allowing their respective analysis. Among its most relevant applications we have:

  • * Monitoring the health of trees
  • * Growth monitoring
  • * Soil quality monitoring
  • * Smart irrigation
  • * Early detection of fires
  • * Fauna control
Woods tracking app
AI-based forest management platform

We have developed a forest management platform based on artificial intelligence (AI) capable of processing large amounts of data, learning from them over time and providing intelligent recommendations for decision making. The data collected will come from IoT sensors, satellite images, geographic information systems (GIS) and images provided by periodic drone flights over the plantations.

Woods tracking app
Real-time control of the supply chain

El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías y sus aplicaciones personalizadas nos permiten realizar un seguimiento detallado de la cadena de suministro de nuestros productos forestales. De esta manera, cada vez que se extrae un árbol o se cosecha un producto, se registra en tiempo real a través de dispositivos móviles conectados a nuestro sistema central.

What actions are we taking for the development of the plantations?

Balsa Raft








In the first half of this year we started planting the first 200 hectares of balsa on our own land (850 Hectares) which constitute 125,000 balsa wood trees.

Teak plantation
Teak plantation
Teak plantation

Where are we going

Our goal for 2030 is to reach 22,000 hectares planted with the following woods: balsa, teak, andiroba, neem, tagua, guadua cane and bamboo. We will fulfill this, doubling our sowing annually. We would like to remind you that, as an investor, the possibility of accessing the updated reports and data of our plantations will be available soon through our platform. This service will be accessible at any time you wish to consult it. We are committed to providing you with relevant and timely information so that you are always aware of the performance of your investments.


At CORPAYA we believe that there is always a solution that benefits everyone, that's why we also involve local communities in our projects. Find out how you can join our mission to build a sustainable future

Woods tracking app
Reforestation program

We partner with local communities to carry out reforestation programs that promote the active participation of inhabitants in forest conservation. In turn, these plantations, through their roots, will serve to prevent soil erosion by reducing the risk of landslides and the loss of fertile soil. If you are within this segment and you want to take part in the change, leave us your data by givingclick aquí.

Woods tracking app
Environmental awareness program

We organize educational programs in local schools and community events to increase awareness about the importance of forest conservation and the needs for responsible management of natural resources. If you want to be part of this initiative, leave us your details by givingclick aquí.

forest sustainability

Export of forest products

Our forests play a fundamental role in enabling us to produce and export a wide variety of certified forest products. Our plans until 2030 include planting 22,000 ha of the following woods: balsa, teak, andiroba, neem, tagua, guadua cane and bamboo. These products are highly valued all over the world due to their sustainable qualities and diverse applications in different industries.

Woods tracking app
Balsa attributes and applications

  • * Special Features: Balsa (Ochroma Pyramidale) is a fast-growing wood, the first cut can already be made 5 years after planting. It is known for its lightness, strength, buoyancy and insulation properties.
  • * Global Applications: Due to its low weight and high strength, it is widely used in the aeronautical industry and for model making. It has also become a preferred material for wind turbine blades.
Woods tracking app
Teca attributes and applications

  • * Special Features: Teak (Tectona grandis) is highly resistant to rot and insects due to its high content of natural oils that repel water. This wood also has tectoquinones which are chemical compounds that act as microbial and antifungal agents.
  • * Global Applications: Teak, due to its characteristics, is especially valued for the construction of luxury boats and yachts. It is also widely used for the realization of high-end furniture.
Woods tracking app
Neem attributes and applications

  • * Special Characteristics: The neem (Azadirachta indica) is known for its ease of working but beyond the wood, the neem tree is valued for its medicinal properties and natural pesticides. The tree has properties: bioactive, insecticidal, fungicidal, antimicrobial and antioxidant.
  • * Global Applications: The properties of this tree are useful to treat a variety of conditions, among the most common are fever and skin diseases. Neem oil and extract are used in mouthwashes and toothpastes due to their antibacterial properties. Cosmetic skin care products also usually have neem extract or oil due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Neem extracts can also be used in agriculture as natural pesticides and fungicides. Since neem is drought resistant and can grow on poor soils, it is used in reforestation programs in arid areas.
Woods tracking app
Tagua attributes and applications

  • * Special Features: The tagua, also known as the 'vegetable ivory', comes from the seed of the tagua palm. These seeds, although not wood per se, have unique properties that make them valuable and have attracted worldwide attention due to their ability to serve as a sustainable alternative to elephant ivory. The tagua has a high density and hardness, with an aesthetic appearance similar to that of ivory, with sustainable properties because it reduces the demand for elephant ivory and its ease of working it make it a unique forest product.
  • * Global Applications: Tagua is a sustainable and ethical alternative to elephant ivory, which has made it a sought-after raw material for various applications. It is widely used for the manufacture of jewelry and costume jewelry, manufacture of buttons replacing plastic ones, manufacture of chess pieces, household utensils and accessories, etc.
Woods tracking app
Guadua cane and bamboo attributes and applications

  • * Special Characteristics: The andiroba (Carapa guianensis) is known for its hardness and resistance to deterioration, in addition to having insect repellent properties. All this thanks to its chemical composition, density and anatomical structure. This wood has a high content of oils and tectoquinones.
  • * Global Applications: Due to its high durability, it is used in the manufacture of furniture and also in the construction of floors, doors, etc. One of the most traditional uses is also the production of andiroba oil that has medicinal and cosmetic applications.
Woods tracking app
Andiroba attributes and applications

  • * Special Characteristics: The andiroba (Carapa guianensis) is known for its hardness and resistance to deterioration, in addition to having insect repellent properties. All this thanks to its chemical composition, density and anatomical structure. This wood has a high content of oils and tectoquinones.
  • * Global Applications: Due to its high durability, it is used in the manufacture of furniture and also in the construction of floors, doors, etc. One of the most traditional uses is also the production of andiroba oil that has medicinal and cosmetic applications.
forest sustainability

Clean energy production

We are currently in the process of developing clean and sustainable energy projects in the medium term. These projects include our green hydrogen plant and our wind farms. The main purpose of these projects is the production of clean and efficient energy, with the purpose of benefiting both Ecuador and the rest of the world, and at the same time reducing its environmental impact as much as possible. Our renewable energy projects are being designed and structured with a highly efficient approach. This is done with the firm commitment to minimize its environmental impact, in line with our previous statements. We are also committed to continuously improving and expanding our production capabilities in the years to come.

Woods tracking app
Optimization and intelligent management of wind farms

We are developing an intelligent management platform based on Internet of Things (IoT) technology and software development to improve the efficiency of our wind farms.

Woods tracking app
Development of green hydrogen plant

Our green hydrogen plant is equipped with advanced electrolysis technology that uses electrical energy generated by renewable sources, such as wind and solar energy, to separate hydrogen from water. This will allow us to produce clean and carbon emission-free hydrogen.

Woods tracking app
Environmental impact monitoring and analysis platform

To ensure that our renewable energy projects meet our commitment to minimize environmental impact, we are developing an environmental impact monitoring and analysis platform.